Tacca plantaginea, close up of the brown ribbed seeds inside the open capsule, Sai Yok NP, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Mapania macrophylla, small black shiny achenes mostly dispersed just around the mother plant, Chutes Voltaire, French Guyana
Impatiens platypetala subsp. aurantiaca, mature black seeds visible through the fleshy capsular fruit, Bambapuang, Enrekang, South Sulawesi
Impatiens platypetala subsp. aurantiaca, black seeds visible due to translucent green fleshy capsule, Bambapuang, Enrekang, South Sulawesi
Argyreia siamensis, berries, Sukkhothai,Thailand
Argyreia siamensis, baccate fruit, Sukkhothai, Thailand
Aniseia martinicensis, open capsules, Venezuela
Hewittia sublobata, dry sepals surrounding the capsular fruit, Trivandrum, India
Operculina turpethum, young fruits protected by sepals, Morondava, Madagascar
Operculina turpethum, capsules ouvertes
Operculina hamiltonii, capsular fruit, Sinnamary, French Guyana
Ipomoea setifera, plicate calyx, French Guyana
Stictocardia beraviensis, dry capsule and sepals, Ndole Bay, Zambia
Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa, fruiting stem, open capsules exposing hairy seeds, Transpantanera, Cuiaba, Brazil
Ipomoea pileata (syn. I. involucrata), flower at anthesis and successive stages of maturing capsules surrounded by involucral bracts, Campo, Cameroun
Ipomoea pileata (syn. I. involucrata), mature capsules surrounded by the dry involucral bracts, Campo, Cameroun
Ipomoea pileata (syn. I. involucrata), mature capsules surrounded by the hirsute dry involucral bracts, Campo, Cameroun
Ipomoea pileata (syn.I. involucrata), black seeds in the open dry capsules surrounded fy the fused involucral bracts, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Ipomoea pileata (syn.I. involucrata), open dry capsules surrounded fy the fused involucral bracts, Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi NP
Ipomoea shirambensis, hairy seeds and dry open capsule, Monkey Bay, Malawi
Ipomoea shirambensis, hairy seeds emerging from the dry open capsule, Monkey Bay, Malawi
Strophanthus kombe, dry follicular fruits, South Luangwa NP, Zambia
Fockea multiflora follicle, Lake Malawi NP
Furcraea samalana, capsular fruits and bulbils, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala
Dipterocarpus tuberculatus, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Heteropterys brachiata, fruiting branch with many bright red winged samaras, Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Belize
Tridynamia bialata, developing fruit with two enlarged winged calyx lobes, Nui Chua NP, Vietnam
Begonia pedatifida, one large accrescent wing of the capsule allowing incensory wind dispersal of the dust seeds, Doi Inthanon, Thailand
Begonia parviflora, infructescence with synchronous immature hanging fruits, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru
Begonia elnidoensis, close-up of capsules with six slits allowing incensory wind dispersal, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
Begonia pavonina, downwards ovary long wing and horizontal rain splash dispersal lateral short wings, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Triphora surinamensis, a terrestrial orchid with lateral slits along the capsule allowing wind dispersal, Mamelles, Guadeloupe
Argostemma parvum, erect maturing fleshy capsular fruits, Chanthaburi, Thailand
Argostemma neurosepalum, persistant green rigid calyx creating an upwards orientated cup allowing rain splash dispersal of the tiny seeds through capsular slits, Krabi, Thailand
Argostemma diversifolium, maturing fruits with persistant green rigid calyx creating an upwards orientated cup allowing rain splash dispersal of the tiny seeds, Khao Sok NP, Thailand
Argostemma diversifolium, persistant green rigid calyx creating an upwards orientated cup allowing rain splash dispersal of the tiny seeds through capsular slits, Khao Sok NP, Thailand
Argostemma gracile, lateral view of the fleshy hairy capsule, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Argostemma gracile, upwards open fleshy capsule allowing rain splash dispersal of the tiny brown seeds, Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo
Ophiorrhiza discolor, upwards opening narrow fleshy boat shaped capsules allowing rain splash tiny seeds dispersal, Panang Hill, Malaysia
Monolena primuliflora, half dry capsular berries openig horizontally and apically, allowing rain splas dispersal of seeds, Ecuador