Cissus javana, mature infructescences with bright pink fleshy increased peduncles and shiny black berries, Doi Pha Tang, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Pterisanthes polita, bright red inflorescence flattened axis and immature green berries, Bako NP, Sarawak, Borneo
Pterisanthes polita, red flattened inflorescence axis with young green unripe fruits, Bako NP, Sarawak, Borneo
Xanthosoma crassilaminum, leaves and mature infructescence, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Xanthosoma crassilaminum, mature infructescence with recurved pink recurved basal lobes issued from the lower part of the spathe, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Xanthosoma crassilaminum, mature infructescence with recurved pink recurved basal succulent lobes issued from the lower part of the spathe, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Xanthosoma crassilaminum, open mature infructescence with pink recurved succulent lobes issued from the lower part of the spathe and bright orange berries, Yasuni NP, Ecuador
Alocasia peltata, leaf and bright orange fruits, Penrissen, Sarawak, Borneo
Alocasia alba, ripe infrutescence, Pacitan, Java
Alocasia nicolsonii, fruiting individual, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Alocasia nicolsonii, bright red spatha base embracing the maturing fruits, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Alocasia nicolsonii, bright red fleshy spathe base embracing the maturing fruits, Tari, 2000 m asl, Hela, Papua New Guinea
Alocasia sp, probably a new species related to A. nicolsonii and A. wentii, white spethe the fruit protective base becoming fleshy, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Alocasia sp, probably a new species related to A. nicolsonii and A. wentii, fleshy base of the white spathe protecting the maturing red berries, Rondon Ridge, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Musa velutina, open flower like mature fruit of this invasive species, day 1 after opening, the outer white pulp fully exposed and covering the seeds, Pilchi Cocha laguna, Orellana, Ecuador
Musa velutina, open flower like mature fruit of this invasive species, day 2 after opening, the outer white pulp eaten at night by animals, probably bats, exposing the black seeds, Pilchi Cocha laguna, Orellana, Ecuador
Rubiaceae sp. with white fruit, Selangor, Malaysia
Anthurium hookeri, berries compressed and expulsed at maturity from the spadix, frugivorous birds dispersing the seeds, Basse Terre, Guadeloupe.jpeg
Anchomanes difformis, infructescence, Campo, Cameroun
Urera hypselodendron, climbing cauliflorous stems hanging from Hagenia abyssinica branches, Harenna forest, 2350 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Urera hypselodendron, achenes enclosed by the bright orange fleshy accrescent perianth, Harenna forest, 2350 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Urera caracasana, bright orange fruits, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala
Peliosanthes sp. on deeply inclined earth bank with very long infructescence axes laying along soil surface, Pyin U Lwin, Myanmar
Peliosanthes sp. on deeply inclined earth bank with very long infructescence axes exposing the blue seeds on soil surface, outside the leaf rosette, Pyin U Lwin, Myanmar
Peliosanthes sp. , two flowers axilled by a single bract developing seeds, Pyin U Lwin, Myanmar
Peliosanthes sp. , many seeds developing from a single flower, Pyin U Lwin, Myanmar
Peliosanthes sp. with very long infructescence axes, each bract axilling many flowers, Pyin U Lwin, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, bright blue seeds freely exposed in this Angiosperm turning back to Gymnospermous stage, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, flowers with tepals, corona, stamens, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, inflorescence, front view, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, inflorescence, lateral view, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, three to five blue seeds emerging from each single fertilized flower, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, bright blue seeds freely exposed out of the teared ovary, this Angiosperm turning back to Gymnospermous stage, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, seeds coated by blue sarcotesta, emerging from the early blocked growth of the ovary wall, an Angiosperm turning back to Gymnospermous stage, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, three exposed seeds with blue sarcotesta arising from a single flower, also reminiscent of apocarpy like in many Annonaceae, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, three seeds with blue sarcotesta, a turn back to gymnospermous stage, also reminiscent of apocarpy as in many Annonaceae, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Peliosanthes teta subsp. humilis, seed coated by bright blue sarcotesta, reminiscent of a blue berry or drupe, Macleod Is., Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Cyathodes glauca, berry close-up, Mount Wellington, Tasmania
Medinilla speciosa, individual with erect inflorescence on forest earth bank, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia
Medinilla speciosa, individual with hanging mature infructescence on forest earth bank, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia