All the plant photographies are performed by Patrick Blanc and their use must go with the photo caption and the mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Gymnostoma vitiense, fruit, Biausevu, Viti Levu, Fiji

    Gymnostoma vitiense, fruit, Biausevu, Viti Levu, Fiji

  • Patrick Blanc observing the huge infructescence of Attalea cohune, Candelaria Lodge, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, Jan. 2020

    Patrick Blanc observing the huge infructescence of Attalea cohune, Candelaria Lodge, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, Jan. 2020

  • Attalea cohune, hanging infructescence, Candelaria, Guatemala

    Attalea cohune, hanging infructescence, Candelaria, Guatemala

  • Ficus hispida, axes bearing figs all along the trunk and main branches, Tioman, Malaysia

    Ficus hispida, axes bearing figs all along the trunk and main branches, Tioman, Malaysia

  • Ficus schwarzii bearing a huge cauliflorous bunches of ripe figs, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia

    Ficus schwarzii bearing a huge cauliflorous bunches of ripe figs, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia

  • Ficus schwarzii bearing a huge bunch of ripe figs, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia

    Ficus schwarzii bearing a huge bunch of ripe figs, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia

  • Ficus dammaropsis, sycones and apical shoot, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

    Ficus dammaropsis, sycones and apical shoot, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

  • Ficus dammaropsis, sycones and leaves, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

    Ficus dammaropsis, sycones and leaves, Rondon Ridge 2000 m asl, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

  • Pandanus dubius,  two hanging isyncarps, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

    Pandanus dubius, two hanging isyncarps, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

  • Pandanus dubius, hanging syncarp, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

    Pandanus dubius, hanging syncarp, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

  • Pandanus dubius, one drupe with basal brush bristles, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

    Pandanus dubius, one drupe with basal brush bristles, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

  • Pandanus dubius, numerous plantlets emerging from the brush base of a single drupe, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

    Pandanus dubius, numerous plantlets emerging from the brush base of a single drupe, Nggatirana, Halisi, Solomon Islands

  • Benstonea humilis, infructescence, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos

    Benstonea humilis, infructescence, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos

  • Benstonea humilis, drupes, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos

    Benstonea humilis, drupes, Phou Hin Poun NBCA, Khammouane, Laos

  • Benstonea sp., probably a new species related to Benstonea epiphytica, syncarp, each individual drupe topped by dark purple curved stigma, Gunung Mulu NP, Sarawak, Borneo

    Benstonea sp., probably a new species related to Benstonea epiphytica, syncarp, each individual drupe topped by dark purple curved stigma, Gunung Mulu NP, Sarawak, Borneo

  • Benstonea sp., probably a new species related to Benstonea epiphytica, syncarp, individual drupes with dark purple curved stigma, Gunung Mulu NP, Sarawak, Borneo

    Benstonea sp., probably a new species related to Benstonea epiphytica, syncarp, individual drupes with dark purple curved stigma, Gunung Mulu NP, Sarawak, Borneo

  • Benstonea lauterbachii, infructescences and seeds, Karawari river, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

    Benstonea lauterbachii, infructescences and seeds, Karawari river, Sepik, Papua New Guinea

  • Freycinetia polystachya infructescence, Mahawu forest, North Sulawesi

    Freycinetia polystachya infructescence, Mahawu forest, North Sulawesi

  • Patrick Blanc showing the thick infructescence of an Acorus of the Acorus gramineus alliance, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2019

    Patrick Blanc showing the thick infructescence of an Acorus of the Acorus gramineus alliance, Bidoup Nui Ba NP, Vietnam, Nov. 2019

  • Monstera siltepecana, infructescences, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala

    Monstera siltepecana, infructescences, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala

  • Monstera siltepecana, infructescence, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala

    Monstera siltepecana, infructescence, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala

  • Monstera siltepecana, part of infructescence, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala

    Monstera siltepecana, part of infructescence, Finca el Pilar, Antigua, Guatemala

  • Cercestis camerunensis, numerous inflorescences and infructescences at the top of the leafy stem in a recently deforested area, Campo, Cameroon

    Cercestis camerunensis, numerous inflorescences and infructescences at the top of the leafy stem in a recently deforested area, Campo, Cameroon

  • Cercestis sp. nov., infructescence with dried upper male part of the spadix

    Cercestis sp. nov., infructescence with dried upper male part of the spadix

  • Philodendron giganteum  -  Guadeloupe

    Philodendron giganteum - Guadeloupe

  • Cladostemon kirkii, hanging fruits on a defoliate tree, Liwonde NP, Malawi

    Cladostemon kirkii, hanging fruits on a defoliate tree, Liwonde NP, Malawi

  • Cladostemon kirkii, hanging fruits, Liwonde NP, Malawi

    Cladostemon kirkii, hanging fruits, Liwonde NP, Malawi

  • Cladostemon kirkii, open fruit, Liwonde NP, Malawi

    Cladostemon kirkii, open fruit, Liwonde NP, Malawi

  • Codonopsis ussuriensis, developping star fruit and accrescent pink sepals, Hakone, Japan

    Codonopsis ussuriensis, developping star fruit and accrescent pink sepals, Hakone, Japan

  • Cyrtandra peltata, developping berry fruit close up, Anai Valley,West Sumatra

    Cyrtandra peltata, developping berry fruit close up, Anai Valley,West Sumatra

  • Cyrtandra sp., maturing amber coloured baccate fruits, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

    Cyrtandra sp., maturing amber coloured baccate fruits, Tenaru Falls, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

  • Hanguana cf. corneri infructescence, Penrissen Range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo

    Hanguana cf. corneri infructescence, Penrissen Range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo

  • Hanguana cf. corneri fruits, Penrissen Range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo

    Hanguana cf. corneri fruits, Penrissen Range, Padawan, Sarawak, Borneo

  • Dorstenia multiradiata, flat open receptacle expulsing up to few meters the mature akenes, Campo, Cameroun

    Dorstenia multiradiata, flat open receptacle expulsing up to few meters the mature akenes, Campo, Cameroun

  • Dorstenia choconiana, mature infructescence, a coenanthium like an open Ficus sycone, Aguateca, Petexbatun, Peten, Guatemala

    Dorstenia choconiana, mature infructescence, a coenanthium like an open Ficus sycone, Aguateca, Petexbatun, Peten, Guatemala

  • Ariopsis protanthera, apically open fruit with rain splash dispersal of the seeds, Hinboun, Laos

    Ariopsis protanthera, apically open fruit with rain splash dispersal of the seeds, Hinboun, Laos

  • Ariopsis protanthera, each dehiscent fleshy capsular fruit issued from one female flower, Hinboun, Laos

    Ariopsis protanthera, each dehiscent fleshy capsular fruit issued from one female flower, Hinboun, Laos

  • Thottea tomentosa inflorescences just above forest floor, Ranong, Thailand

    Thottea tomentosa inflorescences just above forest floor, Ranong, Thailand

  • Tacca plantaginea, flower like open capsules after releasing the seeds, quite similar to Thottea flowers, Sai Yok, NP, Kanchanaburi, Thailand

    Tacca plantaginea, flower like open capsules after releasing the seeds, quite similar to Thottea flowers, Sai Yok, NP, Kanchanaburi, Thailand

  • Tacca plantaginea, upwards open capsular fruits empty after releasing the seeds through rain splash dispersal, Sai Yok NP, Kanchanaburi, Thailand

    Tacca plantaginea, upwards open capsular fruits empty after releasing the seeds through rain splash dispersal, Sai Yok NP, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
