Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2021
  • Patrick Blanc and Brillantaisia owariensis along a small river, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Brillantaisia owariensis along a small river, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc back from the forest, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc back from the forest, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc emerging from Euphorbia biselegans, Lupita Island, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc emerging from Euphorbia biselegans, Lupita Island, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the branched stems of Asparagus africanus, Kisensegere, 1200 m asl, Rukwa, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the branched stems of Asparagus africanus, Kisensegere, 1200 m asl, Rukwa, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the big white flowers of Ipomoea prismatosyphon, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the big white flowers of Ipomoea prismatosyphon, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in savanna, observing Gloriosa superba in full bloom and the climbing Stephania abyssinica, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in savanna, observing Gloriosa superba in full bloom and the climbing Stephania abyssinica, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc with Zamioculcas zamiifolia in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc with Zamioculcas zamiifolia in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in savanna by a rainy day among Vachellia (syn. Acacia) tortilis and purple flowered Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in savanna by a rainy day among Vachellia (syn. Acacia) tortilis and purple flowered Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the compound multipartite leaf of Gonatopus boivinii emerging from a rock fissure, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the compound multipartite leaf of Gonatopus boivinii emerging from a rock fissure, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc under a group of Ensete ventricosum, way to Bondwa Peak, 1700 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc under a group of Ensete ventricosum, way to Bondwa Peak, 1700 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the big leaves of Solanecio mannii, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at the big leaves of Solanecio mannii, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc under the big leaves of Solanecio mannii in a small forest understory gap, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc under the big leaves of Solanecio mannii in a small forest understory gap, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc under a flowering Albizia lebbek in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc under a flowering Albizia lebbek in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the multipartite leaf of Anchomanes abbreviatus, Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at the multipartite leaf of Anchomanes abbreviatus, Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc explaining to the student guide Josiah, the growth habits of some forest understory plants, way to Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc explaining to the student guide Josiah, the growth habits of some forest understory plants, way to Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and vigorous individuals of Scadoxus multiflorus, way to Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and vigorous individuals of Scadoxus multiflorus, way to Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc at sunset, observing the dense population of an herbaceous Dorstenia in front of Anchomanes abbreviatus leaves, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc at sunset, observing the dense population of an herbaceous Dorstenia in front of Anchomanes abbreviatus leaves, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the shiny leaves of Dracaena laxissima in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at the shiny leaves of Dracaena laxissima in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • 2020
  • Patrick Blanc selecting his slides on a light table, Dec. 2020

    Patrick Blanc selecting his slides on a light table, Dec. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc bathing at home in his Christarium to observe the bright yellow spathe of Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020

    Patrick Blanc bathing at home in his Christarium to observe the bright yellow spathe of Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc bathing inside his Christarium to observe the blooming Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020

    Patrick Blanc bathing inside his Christarium to observe the blooming Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc observing the yellow spathe of Cryptocoryne cordata in his home Christarium, Dec. 2020

    Patrick Blanc observing the yellow spathe of Cryptocoryne cordata in his home Christarium, Dec. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc showing the bright yellow spathe limb of Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020

    Patrick Blanc showing the bright yellow spathe limb of Cryptocoryne cordata, Dec. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc in Paris, Dec. 2020

    Patrick Blanc in Paris, Dec. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc among blooming Mahonia x media, Paris, Nov. 2020

    Patrick Blanc among blooming Mahonia x media, Paris, Nov. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc and blooming Tecoma capensis that he installed in his small street flower bed, Nov. 2020

    Patrick Blanc and blooming Tecoma capensis that he installed in his small street flower bed, Nov. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc among Cacti at the Jardin Exotique of Monaco in October 2020 and August 1963

    Patrick Blanc among Cacti at the Jardin Exotique of Monaco in October 2020 and August 1963

  • Patrick Blanc under fruiting Arbutus unedo, Tanneron hills, Riviera, France, Oct. 2020

    Patrick Blanc under fruiting Arbutus unedo, Tanneron hills, Riviera, France, Oct. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc under fruiting Pittosporum tobira naturalized along beaches, Theoule, France, Oct. 2020

    Patrick Blanc under fruiting Pittosporum tobira naturalized along beaches, Theoule, France, Oct. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc under an old Anthyllis barba-jovis, Theoule, France, Oct. 2020

    Patrick Blanc under an old Anthyllis barba-jovis, Theoule, France, Oct. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc and Strelitzia nicolai, this clump having survived the terrible 1986 winter, just resprouting, Cap d'Ail, Oct. 2020

    Patrick Blanc and Strelitzia nicolai, this clump having survived the terrible 1986 winter, just resprouting, Cap d'Ail, Oct. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc under flowering Arundo donax, Cap d'Ail, France, Oct. 2020

    Patrick Blanc under flowering Arundo donax, Cap d'Ail, France, Oct. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc portrait with Begonia blancii by Nils Hoff in Das Gedachtnis der Welt, Aufbau, Aug. 2020, german translation of Botaniste by Marc Jeanson and Charlotte Fauve,

    Patrick Blanc portrait with Begonia blancii by Nils Hoff in Das Gedachtnis der Welt, Aufbau, Aug. 2020, german translation of Botaniste by Marc Jeanson and Charlotte Fauve,

  • Patrick Blanc and Aristolochia gigantea, Val Rahmeh Botanical Garden, France, Aug. 2020

    Patrick Blanc and Aristolochia gigantea, Val Rahmeh Botanical Garden, France, Aug. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc in the dappled shade of Otatea acuminata, Val Rahmeh Botanical Garden, France, Aug. 2020

    Patrick Blanc in the dappled shade of Otatea acuminata, Val Rahmeh Botanical Garden, France, Aug. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc observing the flowers of Aristolochia gigantea at the Val Rahmeh Botanical Garden, France, Aug. 2020

    Patrick Blanc observing the flowers of Aristolochia gigantea at the Val Rahmeh Botanical Garden, France, Aug. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc observing the fruits of the invasive Opuntia ficus-indica on the French Riviera, Eze, France

    Patrick Blanc observing the fruits of the invasive Opuntia ficus-indica on the French Riviera, Eze, France

  • Patrick Blanc in front of his 22 years old vertical garden at the Fondation Cartier just after the death of the 200 years old Lebanon cedar, Fondation Cartier, Paris, Aug.2020

    Patrick Blanc in front of his 22 years old vertical garden at the Fondation Cartier just after the death of the 200 years old Lebanon cedar, Fondation Cartier, Paris, Aug.2020

  • Patrick Blanc and a fruiting Sorbus aucuparia, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, Aug. 2020

    Patrick Blanc and a fruiting Sorbus aucuparia, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, Aug. 2020

  • Patrick Blanc observing aquatic plants in the Seine river, Paris, July 2020

    Patrick Blanc observing aquatic plants in the Seine river, Paris, July 2020
