Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2021
  • Patrick Blanc among the tall leaves of Dracaena pethera (syn. Sansevieria kirkii) in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among the tall leaves of Dracaena pethera (syn. Sansevieria kirkii) in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the winged fruits of Pterocarpus angolensis, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the winged fruits of Pterocarpus angolensis, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the dry mature capsular fruits of Begonia engleri on a vertical boulder near a waterfall, East Usambara Mts, 500 m asl, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the dry mature capsular fruits of Begonia engleri on a vertical boulder near a waterfall, East Usambara Mts, 500 m asl, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the twining inflorescence of Saba comorensis, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania

    Patrick Blanc observing the twining inflorescence of Saba comorensis, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania

  • Patrick Blanc and a tall individual of Dracaena pethera (syn. Sansevieria kirkii) in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and a tall individual of Dracaena pethera (syn. Sansevieria kirkii) in forest understory, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Zamioculcas zamiifolia with mature reclining leaves and a clump of young erect ones on a rock in forest understory, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Zamioculcas zamiifolia with mature reclining leaves and a clump of young erect ones on a rock in forest understory, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a big clump of Zamioculcas zamiifolia anchored in a rock fissure in forest understory, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Patrick Blanc and a big clump of Zamioculcas zamiifolia anchored in a rock fissure in forest understory, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a big clump of Zamioculcas zamiifolia anchored in a rock fissure, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Patrick Blanc and a big clump of Zamioculcas zamiifolia anchored in a rock fissure, Kimboza FR, Uluguru, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus subsp. grotei growing in the shaded sunken surfaces of vertical gneiss cliff, Emau Hill, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus subsp. grotei growing in the shaded sunken surfaces of vertical gneiss cliff, Emau Hill, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus subsp. grotei growing in the shaded and humid mossy sunken surfaces of vertical gneiss cliff, Emau Hill, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus subsp. grotei growing in the shaded and humid mossy sunken surfaces of vertical gneiss cliff, Emau Hill, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in front of the waterfall partly covered by Hydrostachys angustisecta, Prince Bernhard waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in front of the waterfall partly covered by Hydrostachys angustisecta, Prince Bernhard waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in the spray of the waterfall partly covered by Hydrostachys angustisecta, Prince Bernhard waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in the spray of the waterfall partly covered by Hydrostachys angustisecta, Prince Bernhard waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in front of the vertical cliff covered by Hydrostachys angustisecta, Prince Bernhard waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in front of the vertical cliff covered by Hydrostachys angustisecta, Prince Bernhard waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum on a vertical karst, Amboni caves, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum on a vertical karst, Amboni caves, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc happy around a stalactite covered by Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum, Amboni caves, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc happy around a stalactite covered by Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum, Amboni caves, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc around a stalactite covered by Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum, Amboni caves, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc around a stalactite covered by Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum, Amboni caves, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni among the stilt roots of Uapaca guineensis, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni among the stilt roots of Uapaca guineensis, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Dracaena pethera (syn. Sansevieria kirkii) in full bloom, Kimboza FR, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Dracaena pethera (syn. Sansevieria kirkii) in full bloom, Kimboza FR, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni in front of a swamp filled with Typhonodorum lindleyanum, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni in front of a swamp filled with Typhonodorum lindleyanum, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in front of a large swamp filled with Typhonodorum lindleyanum and Raphia farinifera, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in front of a large swamp filled with Typhonodorum lindleyanum and Raphia farinifera, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in front of a swampy area filled with Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea and Typhonodorum lindleyanum, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in front of a swampy area filled with Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea and Typhonodorum lindleyanum, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among the huge Typhonodorum lindleyanum leaves, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among the huge Typhonodorum lindleyanum leaves, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among purple flowered population of Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among purple flowered population of Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing a dark purple, almost black form of Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing a dark purple, almost black form of Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the flowering Eulophia cucullata, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at the flowering Eulophia cucullata, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the Eulophia cucullata flowers, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the Eulophia cucullata flowers, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Gloriosa superba, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Gloriosa superba, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among the stems of Euphorbia biselegans in woodland, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among the stems of Euphorbia biselegans in woodland, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc with his guides around Rhodopentas bussei, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc with his guides around Rhodopentas bussei, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a vegetative population of Costus macranthus on a steep earth slope in forest understory, Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and a vegetative population of Costus macranthus on a steep earth slope in forest understory, Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a flowering Costus macranthus on earth bank in forest understory, Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and a flowering Costus macranthus on earth bank in forest understory, Sonjo waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Gladiolus dalenii in woodland savanna, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Gladiolus dalenii in woodland savanna, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and his guide Yusto, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Patrick Blanc and his guide Yusto, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni around a flowering Pavetta, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni around a flowering Pavetta, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni under Cyathea manniana clumps, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni under Cyathea manniana clumps, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the twining inflorescence of Saba comorensis, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania

    Patrick Blanc looking at the twining inflorescence of Saba comorensis, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania

  • Patrick Blanc observing a dense vegetative patch of a Dorstenia in the spray of a waterfall, way to Bondwa Peak, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing a dense vegetative patch of a Dorstenia in the spray of a waterfall, way to Bondwa Peak, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a population of Dorstenia sp. in the spay of a waterfall in forest understory, way to Bondwa Peak, 1100 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and a population of Dorstenia sp. in the spay of a waterfall in forest understory, way to Bondwa Peak, 1100 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the patch of a flowering Dorstenia in dense shade under an overhanging rock in the spay of a waterfall, way to Bondwa Peak, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the patch of a flowering Dorstenia in dense shade under an overhanging rock in the spay of a waterfall, way to Bondwa Peak, 1200 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense on a rock in forest understory, Amani, 500 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense on a rock in forest understory, Amani, 500 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021
