Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2021
  • Patrick Blanc observing the large excerted yellow flowers of the monocaulous Siphonocampylus lucidus, Cayambe Coca NP, 3500 m asl, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the large excerted yellow flowers of the monocaulous Siphonocampylus lucidus, Cayambe Coca NP, 3500 m asl, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and an Anthurium  in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and an Anthurium in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at a large climbing Pilea myriophylla with tiny leaves in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at a large climbing Pilea myriophylla with tiny leaves in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and the tiny leaved much branched Pilea myriophylla in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and the tiny leaved much branched Pilea myriophylla in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the bright pink inflorescences axes and blue and yellow corollas of the narrow endemic Palicourea corniculata in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the bright pink inflorescences axes and blue and yellow corollas of the narrow endemic Palicourea corniculata in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and the bright pink inflorescences axes and blue and yellow corollas of the narrow endemic Palicourea corniculata in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and the bright pink inflorescences axes and blue and yellow corollas of the narrow endemic Palicourea corniculata in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at a large leaved pioneer species of Solanum in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at a large leaved pioneer species of Solanum in cloud forest, San Isidro FR, Napo, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc at night in front of Pilchi Cocha laguna at Sacha lodge, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc at night in front of Pilchi Cocha laguna at Sacha lodge, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc at night on boardwalk in front of Mauritiella armata, Pilchi Cocha laguna at Sacha lodge, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc at night on boardwalk in front of Mauritiella armata, Pilchi Cocha laguna at Sacha lodge, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and his guide Jarol Fernando Vaca at sunset, arriving at Sacha lodge on Pilchi Cocha laguna, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and his guide Jarol Fernando Vaca at sunset, arriving at Sacha lodge on Pilchi Cocha laguna, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc at sunset under the huge Montrichardia linifera, Pilchi Cocha laguna, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc at sunset under the huge Montrichardia linifera, Pilchi Cocha laguna, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc on boardwalk among Mauritiella armata, Montrichardia linifera, Hibiscus sororius, Begonia fischeri and others, Pilchi Cocha laguna at Sacha lodge, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc on boardwalk among Mauritiella armata, Montrichardia linifera, Hibiscus sororius, Begonia fischeri and others, Pilchi Cocha laguna at Sacha lodge, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in forest canopy at the 30 m high platform, the tower constructed in a Ceiba pentandra reaching 40 m above the forest floor, Sacha forest reserve, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in forest canopy at the 30 m high platform, the tower constructed in a Ceiba pentandra reaching 40 m above the forest floor, Sacha forest reserve, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc at the top platform constructed in a Ceiba pentandra at 40 m above the forest floor, Sacha forest reserve, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc at the top platform constructed in a Ceiba pentandra at 40 m above the forest floor, Sacha forest reserve, Orellana, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among buttresses of Ceiba pentandra, Yasuni NP, ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among buttresses of Ceiba pentandra, Yasuni NP, ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc showing the light green lower abaxial surface of the brown form of Fittonia albivenis, the red anthocyans being probably concentrated in the upper epidermis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc showing the light green lower abaxial surface of the brown form of Fittonia albivenis, the red anthocyans being probably concentrated in the upper epidermis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc showing the flowers and fruit of Begonia maynensis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc showing the flowers and fruit of Begonia maynensis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc surrounded by a dense vegetative population of Begonia maynensis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc surrounded by a dense vegetative population of Begonia maynensis, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in forest understory among tall flowering Ruellia chartacea, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in forest understory among tall flowering Ruellia chartacea, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among tall flowering Ruellia chartacea, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among tall flowering Ruellia chartacea, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the high climbing Selaginella exaltata in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the high climbing Selaginella exaltata in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the high climbing Selaginella exaltata, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the high climbing Selaginella exaltata, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in a dense patch of the small forest understory Aroid, Adelonema picturatum, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in a dense patch of the small forest understory Aroid, Adelonema picturatum, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing an adult flowering individual of a small shrubby forest understory papaya, Vasconcellea cf. monoica, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing an adult flowering individual of a small shrubby forest understory papaya, Vasconcellea cf. monoica, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among the stilt roots of Socratea exorrhiza, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among the stilt roots of Socratea exorrhiza, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Goeppertia majestica, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Goeppertia majestica, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a huge Geonoma macrostachys, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and a huge Geonoma macrostachys, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc under a huge leaf of Geonoma macrostachys, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc under a huge leaf of Geonoma macrostachys, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the bright red flowers of the long hanging cauliflorous bowl shaped inflorescence of Brownea grandiceps, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the bright red flowers of the long hanging cauliflorous bowl shaped inflorescence of Brownea grandiceps, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the bright red flowers of the hanging bowl shaped inflorescence of Brownea grandiceps, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the bright red flowers of the hanging bowl shaped inflorescence of Brownea grandiceps, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc among the buttresses of an old Ceiba pentandra, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc among the buttresses of an old Ceiba pentandra, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in the tunnel created by the arching and rooting branches of a Piper species, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in the tunnel created by the arching and rooting branches of a Piper species, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the unusually large trunk of a tree Piper amalago, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the unusually large trunk of a tree Piper amalago, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the unusually large trunk of a tree Piper amalago, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at the unusually large trunk of a tree Piper amalago, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing lleaf litter accumulation from canopy trees in the center of the giant rosetted monocaulous Cybianthus anthuriophyllus in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing lleaf litter accumulation from canopy trees in the center of the giant rosetted monocaulous Cybianthus anthuriophyllus in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Cybianthus anthuriophyllus in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Cybianthus anthuriophyllus in forest understory, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc showing the bronze coloured  lef lower surface of an old individual of Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc showing the bronze coloured lef lower surface of an old individual of Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc showing the dark red anthocyanic leaf surface of a young individual of Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021

    Patrick Blanc showing the dark red anthocyanic leaf surface of a young individual of Cybianthus anthuriophyllus, Yasuni NP, Ecuador, Aug. 2021
