Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2021
  • Patrick Blanc and Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense on a rock, Amani, 500 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense on a rock, Amani, 500 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc surrounded by a dense population of Stylochaeton puberulus in dry forest understory, Morogoro, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc surrounded by a dense population of Stylochaeton puberulus in dry forest understory, Morogoro, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the big leaf of Stylochaeton puberulus, Morogoro, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the big leaf of Stylochaeton puberulus, Morogoro, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni among tall flowering Palisota orientalis stems, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni among tall flowering Palisota orientalis stems, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni in front of a large swamp filled with Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, Typhonodorum lindleyanum and Raphia farinifera, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pascal Heni in front of a large swamp filled with Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, Typhonodorum lindleyanum and Raphia farinifera, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc in front of a swampy area filled with Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, Typhonodorum lindleyanum and Raphia farinifera, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc in front of a swampy area filled with Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, Typhonodorum lindleyanum and Raphia farinifera, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc under Typhonodorum lindleyanum leaves, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc under Typhonodorum lindleyanum leaves, Ngezi FR, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing Ipomoea prismatosyphon, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing Ipomoea prismatosyphon, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Pavetta sp., way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Pavetta sp., way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Pascal Heni and Patrick Blanc around Rhodopentas bussei, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Pascal Heni and Patrick Blanc around Rhodopentas bussei, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the Rhodopentas bussei inflorescences, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the Rhodopentas bussei inflorescences, Sanje waterfall, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the flowering Chassalia violacea in forest understory, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the flowering Chassalia violacea in forest understory, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Chassalia violacea, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Chassalia violacea, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the Phyllopentas schumanniana inflorescence, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the Phyllopentas schumanniana inflorescence, way to Bondwa Peak, 1400 m asl, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc sitting close to Stenandrium warneckei, dense population carpeting the forest floor, Amani, 800 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc sitting close to Stenandrium warneckei, dense population carpeting the forest floor, Amani, 800 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc leaning on a stone wall covered with green iridescent mosses, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc leaning on a stone wall covered with green iridescent mosses, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and a stalactite covered with Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum, Amboni cave, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and a stalactite covered with Streptocarpus (syn. Saintpaulia) ionanthus, Dorstenia hildebrandtii and Adiantum lunulatum, Amboni cave, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the flowers of Markhamia obtusifolia, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc looking at the flowers of Markhamia obtusifolia, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Dracaena (syn. Sansevieria) perrotii in Mbuyuni Farm Retreat garden, Morogoro, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Dracaena (syn. Sansevieria) perrotii in Mbuyuni Farm Retreat garden, Morogoro, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing Euphorbia biselegans in deciduous woodland, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Patrick Blanc observing Euphorbia biselegans in deciduous woodland, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the main vertically growing stems of Euphorbia biselegans, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the main vertically growing stems of Euphorbia biselegans, Lupita island, Kipili, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the huge trifoliolate leaves of Dioscorea dumetorum at forest edge, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the huge trifoliolate leaves of Dioscorea dumetorum at forest edge, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the purple and white flower forms of a dense population of Siphonochilus kirkii in woodland savanna, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the purple and white flower forms of a dense population of Siphonochilus kirkii in woodland savanna, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the white flower form of Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the white flower form of Siphonochilus kirkii, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the white flowering Ipomoea prismatosyphon and Bauhinia petersiana, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the white flowering Ipomoea prismatosyphon and Bauhinia petersiana, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc on an inselberg behind the carpeting Xenostegia pinnata, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc on an inselberg behind the carpeting Xenostegia pinnata, Katavi NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc emerging from the dense population of Erica mafiensis, Ngezi FR, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc emerging from the dense population of Erica mafiensis, Ngezi FR, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Acalypha paniculata, large apical panicle of female flowers and narrow axillary spikes of male flowers along the leafy stem, Amani, 500 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Acalypha paniculata, large apical panicle of female flowers and narrow axillary spikes of male flowers along the leafy stem, Amani, 500 m asl, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc under two huge compound leaves of Gonatopus boivinii emerging from an underground tuber, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc under two huge compound leaves of Gonatopus boivinii emerging from an underground tuber, Udzungwa NP, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc showing the Begonia oxyloba ridged fleshy fruits, Choma waterfall, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc showing the Begonia oxyloba ridged fleshy fruits, Choma waterfall, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc taking a photo of a single stemmed Ravenala, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc taking a photo of a single stemmed Ravenala, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc much intrigued by a single stemmed Ravenala with prominent brown drying leaf sheath margin, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc much intrigued by a single stemmed Ravenala with prominent brown drying leaf sheath margin, Tanga, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and Gloriosa superba in the Botanical Garden, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and Gloriosa superba in the Botanical Garden, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc and the stipe of Corypha umbraculifera retaining the crossed dry bases of leaf sheaths, Botanical Garden, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and the stipe of Corypha umbraculifera retaining the crossed dry bases of leaf sheaths, Botanical Garden, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the bright orange flowers of Cordia subcordata on the beach, Kigomasha peninsula, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the bright orange flowers of Cordia subcordata on the beach, Kigomasha peninsula, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Patrick Blanc under a tall Pandanus kirkii on the beach, Kigomasha peninsula, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Patrick Blanc under a tall Pandanus kirkii on the beach, Kigomasha peninsula, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Pascal Héni and Patrick Blanc, Kigomasha peninsula, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan.2021

    Pascal Héni and Patrick Blanc, Kigomasha peninsula, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan.2021

  • Patrick Blanc and an old specimen of Pemphis acidula on rocky seashore, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc and an old specimen of Pemphis acidula on rocky seashore, Pemba, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing a population of Calvoa orientalis on a vertical mossy rock surface, Amani FR, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing a population of Calvoa orientalis on a vertical mossy rock surface, Amani FR, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

  • Patrick Blanc observing the leaves of Brillantaisia owariensis, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021

    Patrick Blanc observing the leaves of Brillantaisia owariensis, Amani, East Usambara, Tanzania, Jan. 2021
