Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2014
  • Patrick Blanc and Geogenanthus poeppigii, Madre de Dios, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc and Geogenanthus poeppigii, Madre de Dios, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc in front of a seeping rock covered in Xanthosoma pubescens, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc in front of a seeping rock covered in Xanthosoma pubescens, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the red anthocyanic undersurface of Piper magnificum leaves, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc looking at the red anthocyanic undersurface of Piper magnificum leaves, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc under the huge pioneer Cecropia like Begonia parviflora, Manu NP, 1500m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc under the huge pioneer Cecropia like Begonia parviflora, Manu NP, 1500m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc under a flowering Begonia parviflora, Manu NP, 1500m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc under a flowering Begonia parviflora, Manu NP, 1500m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc at the base of the huge Begonia parviflora, Manu NP, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc at the base of the huge Begonia parviflora, Manu NP, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among plants covering seeping rocks, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc among plants covering seeping rocks, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc standing against a seeping natural vertical garden, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc standing against a seeping natural vertical garden, Manu NP, 1500 m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc holding a huge Equisetum giganteum stem, 2000 m, Madre de Dios, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc holding a huge Equisetum giganteum stem, 2000 m, Madre de Dios, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among a Equisetum giganteum population, 2000 m, Madre de Dios, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc among a Equisetum giganteum population, 2000 m, Madre de Dios, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc and Peperomia velutina on a vertical rock, La Merced, Junin, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc and Peperomia velutina on a vertical rock, La Merced, Junin, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the swollen rachis bases of Marattia laevis, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc looking at the swollen rachis bases of Marattia laevis, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc and the giant Pteris muricata frond, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru

    Patrick Blanc and the giant Pteris muricata frond, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Peru

  • Patrick Blanc standing against a lichen covered vertical rock, Lake Titicaca, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc standing against a lichen covered vertical rock, Lake Titicaca, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc observing Stipa ichu, Lake Titicaca, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc observing Stipa ichu, Lake Titicaca, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc standing above salt terrasses, Cuzco, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc standing above salt terrasses, Cuzco, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc standing on the spiny Distichia muscoides peat swamp, Cuzco, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc standing on the spiny Distichia muscoides peat swamp, Cuzco, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc lying on the spiny Distichia muscoides peat swamp, Cuzco, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc lying on the spiny Distichia muscoides peat swamp, Cuzco, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc in the puna in front of a Puya raimondii vegetative rosette, 4200 m, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc in the puna in front of a Puya raimondii vegetative rosette, 4200 m, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc in Stipa ichu puna and two vegetative Puya raimondii, 4200 m, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc in Stipa ichu puna and two vegetative Puya raimondii, 4200 m, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc in the largest Puya raimondii population, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc in the largest Puya raimondii population, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc standing at the base of a 15 m tall Puya raimondii, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc standing at the base of a 15 m tall Puya raimondii, Turkani, Puno, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc  under a huge flowering Puya raimondii, Turkani, Puno, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc under a huge flowering Puya raimondii, Turkani, Puno, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc sitting under a huge flowering Puya raimondii, Turkani, Puno, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc sitting under a huge flowering Puya raimondii, Turkani, Puno, 4200m, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among urubus at the market, Iquitos, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc among urubus at the market, Iquitos, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc in muddy varzea forest looking at dead Heliconia leaves, Iquitos, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc in muddy varzea forest looking at dead Heliconia leaves, Iquitos, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among Xylopia stilt roots in varzea forest, Iquitos, Peru, Aug 2014

    Patrick Blanc among Xylopia stilt roots in varzea forest, Iquitos, Peru, Aug 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among the monocaulous Agrostistachys longifolia, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, July 2014

    Patrick Blanc among the monocaulous Agrostistachys longifolia, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, July 2014

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the new flush growth of the monocaulous Agrostistachys longifolia, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, July 2014

    Patrick Blanc looking at the new flush growth of the monocaulous Agrostistachys longifolia, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, July 2014

  • Stanley Quek and Patrick Blanc, One Central Park, Sydney, July 2014

    Stanley Quek and Patrick Blanc, One Central Park, Sydney, July 2014

  • Patrick Blanc showing the small leaves of a Cryptocoryne, maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, Mac Ritchie, Singapore. July 2014

    Patrick Blanc showing the small leaves of a Cryptocoryne, maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, Mac Ritchie, Singapore. July 2014

  • Patrick Blanc showing a population of small leaved Cryptocoryne covered by mud, maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, July 2014

    Patrick Blanc showing a population of small leaved Cryptocoryne covered by mud, maybe the elusive C. jacobsenii, Mac Ritchie, Singapore, July 2014

  • Patrick Blanc under the flowering liana Bauhinia kockiana, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

    Patrick Blanc under the flowering liana Bauhinia kockiana, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

  • Patrick Blanc looking at Scindapsus lucens, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

    Patrick Blanc looking at Scindapsus lucens, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

  • Patrick Blanc emerging from a clump of Cyrtostachys renda in a peat swamp forest remnant, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

    Patrick Blanc emerging from a clump of Cyrtostachys renda in a peat swamp forest remnant, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among the huge Johannesteijsmannia altifrons leaves, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

    Patrick Blanc among the huge Johannesteijsmannia altifrons leaves, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

  • Patrick Blanc on a fallen trunk above a ferest stream, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

    Patrick Blanc on a fallen trunk above a ferest stream, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

  • Patrick Blanc among the blue iridescent Selaginella willdenowii, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

    Patrick Blanc among the blue iridescent Selaginella willdenowii, Johore, Malaysia, June 2014

  • Patrick Blanc holding a giant Monophyllaea elongata macrocotyledon, Gua Tempurung, Perak, Malaysia

    Patrick Blanc holding a giant Monophyllaea elongata macrocotyledon, Gua Tempurung, Perak, Malaysia

  • Patrick Blanc observing the giant Monophyllaea elongata macrocotyledon, Gua Tempurung, Perak, Malaysia, May 2014

    Patrick Blanc observing the giant Monophyllaea elongata macrocotyledon, Gua Tempurung, Perak, Malaysia, May 2014
