Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2015
  • Patrick Blanc inside his green spiral, above view, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2015

    Patrick Blanc inside his green spiral, above view, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and the Pelargonium collection, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2015

    Patrick Blanc and the Pelargonium collection, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2015

  • Patrick Blanc ready to be invaded by the vigorously climbing Streptolirion volubile, Doi Inthanon, Thailand, May 2015

    Patrick Blanc ready to be invaded by the vigorously climbing Streptolirion volubile, Doi Inthanon, Thailand, May 2015

  • Patrick Blanc in a clonal population of a shrubby Elatostema, Doi Inthanon, Thailand, May 2015

    Patrick Blanc in a clonal population of a shrubby Elatostema, Doi Inthanon, Thailand, May 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at a rock covered by Codonoboea craspedodroma, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at a rock covered by Codonoboea craspedodroma, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc crossing the river behind rheophytic submerse Cryptocoryne nurii to observe the emerse rheophytic shrub, Phyllanthus watsonii, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc crossing the river behind rheophytic submerse Cryptocoryne nurii to observe the emerse rheophytic shrub, Phyllanthus watsonii, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc crossing a swift running river to observe a Phyllanthus watsonii population, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc crossing a swift running river to observe a Phyllanthus watsonii population, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc walking in a primary forest stream, Johore, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc walking in a primary forest stream, Johore, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc swimming close to a Cryptocoryne nurii population in a swift running river, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc swimming close to a Cryptocoryne nurii population in a swift running river, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc swimming and reaching a Cryptocoryne nurii population in a swift running river, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc swimming and reaching a Cryptocoryne nurii population in a swift running river, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc showing a leaf of Cryptocoryne nurii population in a swift running river, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc showing a leaf of Cryptocoryne nurii population in a swift running river, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at a flowering Ixora in forest understory just after a rain shower, Mersing, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at a flowering Ixora in forest understory just after a rain shower, Mersing, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc, just after heavy rain, among silver leaved Amischotolype gracilis, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc, just after heavy rain, among silver leaved Amischotolype gracilis, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc among silver leaved Amischotolype gracilis, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc among silver leaved Amischotolype gracilis, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and Codonoboea tiumanica, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc and Codonoboea tiumanica, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc under heavy rain in a Boesenbergia population, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc under heavy rain in a Boesenbergia population, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at a Boesenbergia just after heavy rain , Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at a Boesenbergia just after heavy rain , Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at two shingle leaved climbers, Pothos ovatifolius and the elusive Piper clypeatum, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at two shingle leaved climbers, Pothos ovatifolius and the elusive Piper clypeatum, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc behind a population of the rheophytic fern Pronephrium salicifolium, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc behind a population of the rheophytic fern Pronephrium salicifolium, Tioman, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and a population of Phyllagathis maxwellii on a shaded vertical cliff, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc and a population of Phyllagathis maxwellii on a shaded vertical cliff, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the huge leaves of Phyllagathis maxwellii on a shaded vertical cliff, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at the huge leaves of Phyllagathis maxwellii on a shaded vertical cliff, Endau Rompin, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc with his binoculars in forest, Trengganu, Malaysia, April 2015

    Patrick Blanc with his binoculars in forest, Trengganu, Malaysia, April 2015

  • Patrick Blanc sitting among the suspended rhizomes, stilt roots and inflorescences of Hornstedtia scyphifera, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc sitting among the suspended rhizomes, stilt roots and inflorescences of Hornstedtia scyphifera, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the giant fronds of Aglaomorpha heraclea, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at the giant fronds of Aglaomorpha heraclea, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and Codonoboea quinquevulnera, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc and Codonoboea quinquevulnera, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and Ipomoea cairica, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc and Ipomoea cairica, Fraser's Hill, Malaysia, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and Elizabeth Kather from AJN with the MIPIM award, Cannes, France, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc and Elizabeth Kather from AJN with the MIPIM award, Cannes, France, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and the One Central Park team receiving the MIPIM award, Cannes, France, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc and the One Central Park team receiving the MIPIM award, Cannes, France, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc inspecting the climbing plants few months after their installation on Le Nouvel, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015

    Patrick Blanc inspecting the climbing plants few months after their installation on Le Nouvel, Kuala Lumpur, March 2015

  • Patrick Blanc observing his slides before numeric scans, Home, Feb 2015

    Patrick Blanc observing his slides before numeric scans, Home, Feb 2015

  • Patrick Blanc among Colocasia gigantea leaves, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc among Colocasia gigantea leaves, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc in a waterfall under an Elatostema population, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc in a waterfall under an Elatostema population, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc laying above a Cryptocoryne albida population growing along a rock fissure, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc laying above a Cryptocoryne albida population growing along a rock fissure, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc and Thunbergia laurifolia, Kapoe, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc and Thunbergia laurifolia, Kapoe, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at forest canopy, Chumphon , Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at forest canopy, Chumphon , Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc in forest, Chumphon , Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc in forest, Chumphon , Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc under the pink inflorescences of Congea tomentosa, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc under the pink inflorescences of Congea tomentosa, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the suberised hanging aerial roots of Scindapsus maclurei, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at the suberised hanging aerial roots of Scindapsus maclurei, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • Patrick Blanc looking at the giant above ground tubers of Stephania venosa, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

    Patrick Blanc looking at the giant above ground tubers of Stephania venosa, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, Jan 2015

  • 2014
  • Patrick Blanc during a conference at the KAFD, Riyadh, Nov 2014

    Patrick Blanc during a conference at the KAFD, Riyadh, Nov 2014
