SPG Amandolier, Genève, Entrance Vertical Garden in October 2013
SPG Amandolier, Genève, Corydalis 'Blackberry Wine' in October 2013
SPG Amandolier, Genève, Corydalis cheilanthifolia and Rubus ichangensis in October 2013
SPG Amandolier, Genève, Sedum pachyclados and Delosperma nubigenum in October 2013
SPG Amandolier, Genève, Showroom box in October 2013
SPG Amandolier, Genève, White, Green, Red, Blue in October 2013
SPG Amandolier, Genève
SPG Amandolier, previous failing plant installation before Patrick Blanc proposition, Genève
Boehmeria spicata on Vertical Garden, SPG Amandolier, Geneva
Boehmeria tricuspis on Vertical Garden, propagated by Olivier Ezavin, SPG Amandolier, Geneva
Muehlenbeckia complexa 'Sweet Broken Heart' on Vertical Garden, propagated by Olivier Ezavin, SPG Amandolier, Geneva
Nipponanthemum nipponicum and Mahonia 'Charity' on Vertical Garden, SPG Amandolier, Geneva
Saxifraga stolonifera 'Lilliput' and Rubus ichangensis on Vertical Garden, Amandolier, Geneva
Tolmiea menziesii on Vertical Garden, SPG Amandolier, Geneva
Erigeron glaucus in full bloom on the vertical garden along the Route du Chene, SPG Amandolier, Geneva, June 2019
Erigeron glaucus on the vertical garden by Patrick Blanc along the Route du Chene, SPG Amandolier, Geneva, June 2019
Patrick Blanc looking at flowering Erigeron glaucus, SPG Amandolier, Geneve, Switzerland, Sept. 2019
Patrick Blanc and his Vertical Garden, SPG Amandolier, Geneve, Switzerland, Sept. 2019
Patrick Blanc observing the silver striped leaves of Asarum splendens, SPG Amandolier, Geneve, Switzerland, Sept. 2019