Impatiens janthina on a seeping rock, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri on a vertical rock face, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri, dense tranparent hairs on the leaf margins, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Patrick Blanc and Acrotrema walkeri, a form with all the main veins equally highlighted by bright white silver design, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024
Acrotrema walkeri, a form with all the main veins equally highlighted by bright white silver design, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri, young individuals with faint silver design along the veins, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri, young individual with long narrow leaves, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri, stem apex protective sheathing Monocot like leaf base, characteristic of Acrotrema and most other Dilleniaceae , Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Patrick Blanc and a population of Acrotrema walkeri with more or less intense white silver design along the midrib, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024
Acrotrema walkeri, an individual with bright silver white design along the midrib and brownish dark green blade, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri, bright silver design along the midrib due to empty epidermal cells and hairy blade margin, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri population on vertical rocky bank , quite difficult to detect due to the disruptive visual effect in relation with the central silver reflective design and the brown leaves, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema walkeri population on vertical earth bank with faint white silver design along the midrib, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Patrick Blanc observing the global funnel distribution of the erect leaves of the tall Acrotrema intermedium, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024
Acrotrema intermedium, population of tall adult individuals with seedlings and young plants on the mossy surface probably issued from a micro landslide due to an animal or a fallen tree branch, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, adult plant with funnel leaf distribution quite similar to the Malesian Gesneriaceae of the genus Codonoboea growing in the same vertical habitat, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, characteristic torus leaf arrangement creating a funnel accumulating dead tree leaves, thus different from the other Acrotrema species with leaves appressed to the support, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, lateral view of the characteristic torus erect leaf arrangement, this global leaf display being different from the other Acrotrema species with leaves appressed to the support, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Patrick Blanc in front of a rocky vertical bank covered with a dense population of Acrotrema intermedium, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka, Nov. 2024
Acrotrema intermedium, dense population on a vertical rocky bank, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, population on a vertical rocky bank, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, a flowering individual, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, flowering individual, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, individual with an inflorescence reduced to a single flower, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, distichous inflorescence with successive flowers, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, distichous inflorescence, all parts densely hairy, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, flower at early anthesis, peduncle and narrow sepals densley covered with long transparent hairs, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, the peduncles of the mature capsular fruits are bending backward thus touching the substrate where the released seeds will germinate around the mother plant, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, seedlings on vertical earth bank, the youngest with the two opposite cotyledons, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, seedlings at successive stages among mosses on vertical earth bank, Makandawa FR, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, population with plants at all stages, from seedlings with cotyledons to adult plants, an indication of the perfect regeneration, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema intermedium, young plant with leaves slightly appressed to the vertical substrate thus revealing the sheathing leaf bases, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, population of small individuals on a mossy rock, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, adult individuals of a small form with seedlings on the mossy rock, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, a small adult individual flowering on a mossy rock, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, a flowering individual with most petals already fallen, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, quite wide greenish spoon shaped sepals, one petal and central staminal bunch, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, small flowering individual with solitary proportionally big flower, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, flowering individual with solitary axillary flower, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka
Acrotrema uniflorum, solitary axillary flower with 5 bright yellow petals, numerous stamens and free styles, Fishing Hut, Maskeliya, Sri Lanka