All the plant photographies are performed by Patrick Blanc and their use must go with the photo caption and the mention "copyright Patrick Blanc"
  • Bukhansan - South Korea

    Bukhansan - South Korea

  • Epipremnum giganteum on rocks, Doi Chiang Dao - Thailand

    Epipremnum giganteum on rocks, Doi Chiang Dao - Thailand

  • Impatiens - Doi Suthep

    Impatiens - Doi Suthep

  • Inselberg, Nouragues - Guyane

    Inselberg, Nouragues - Guyane

  • Ravenala madagascariensis 'Bemavo' - East coast Madagascar

    Ravenala madagascariensis 'Bemavo' - East coast Madagascar

  • Sansevieria liberica - Mali

    Sansevieria liberica - Mali

  • Pinanga rupestris, Bako, Sarawak, Jul. 2010

    Pinanga rupestris, Bako, Sarawak, Jul. 2010

  • Pinanga rupestris, cespite, Bako, Sarawak

    Pinanga rupestris, cespite, Bako, Sarawak

  • Argostemma parvum et Argostemma neurocalyx sur rocher moussu, Chanthaburi, Thailand

    Argostemma parvum et Argostemma neurocalyx sur rocher moussu, Chanthaburi, Thailand

  • Argostemma parvum, Chanthaburi, Thailand

    Argostemma parvum, Chanthaburi, Thailand

  • Begonia sinuata on mossy rock, Chanthaburi, Thailand

    Begonia sinuata on mossy rock, Chanthaburi, Thailand

  • Begonia sp. , Khao Yai, Thailand

    Begonia sp. , Khao Yai, Thailand

  • Caryota and Arenga on a cliff, Luzon

    Caryota and Arenga on a cliff, Luzon

  • Chirita sp., Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Chirita sp., Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Elatostema repens, Khao Phra Thaeo NP, Phuket, Thailand

    Elatostema repens, Khao Phra Thaeo NP, Phuket, Thailand

  • Elatostema repens, population on earth bank,  Khao Phra Thaeo NP, Phuket, Thailand

    Elatostema repens, population on earth bank, Khao Phra Thaeo NP, Phuket, Thailand

  • Rhaphidophora tetrasperma in habitat, Khao Sok, Thailande

    Rhaphidophora tetrasperma in habitat, Khao Sok, Thailande

  • Talbotia elegans, population, Monks Cowl, Afr. Sud

    Talbotia elegans, population, Monks Cowl, Afr. Sud

  • Anthurium affine population on rocks in full sun, Chapada Diamantina, Brésil

    Anthurium affine population on rocks in full sun, Chapada Diamantina, Brésil

  • Begonia grisea in a rock fissure, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

    Begonia grisea in a rock fissure, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

  • Begonia grisea in its rocky habitat, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

    Begonia grisea in its rocky habitat, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

  • Begonia perakensis Selangor

    Begonia perakensis Selangor

  • Begonia sinuata var. pantiensis on a vertical rock, Johore, Malaysia

    Begonia sinuata var. pantiensis on a vertical rock, Johore, Malaysia

  • Chirita micromusa in a rock fissure, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Chirita micromusa in a rock fissure, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Epipremnum giganteum at the top of a rocky outcrop, Tioman, Malaysia

    Epipremnum giganteum at the top of a rocky outcrop, Tioman, Malaysia

  • Guzmania sur rocher, Sierra do Mar, Brazil

    Guzmania sur rocher, Sierra do Mar, Brazil

  • Orchids and ferns on a rocky outcrop facing the sea, Tioman, Malaysia

    Orchids and ferns on a rocky outcrop facing the sea, Tioman, Malaysia

  • Orchids on a rocky outcrop facing the sea, Tioman, Malaysia

    Orchids on a rocky outcrop facing the sea, Tioman, Malaysia

  • Orthophytum sp., population on a partly shaded rock, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

    Orthophytum sp., population on a partly shaded rock, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

  • Orthophytum sp., rosettes detail, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

    Orthophytum sp., rosettes detail, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

  • Paradrymonia ciliosa on a rock boulder, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

    Paradrymonia ciliosa on a rock boulder, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

  • Schefflera schizophylla on a  rock in forest understory, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Schefflera schizophylla on a rock in forest understory, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Schefflera schizophylla on a vertical rock, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Schefflera schizophylla on a vertical rock, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Schefflera schizophylla on a vertical stone wall, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

    Schefflera schizophylla on a vertical stone wall, Khao Yai NP, Thailand

  • Schismatoglottis roots firmly adhering to the rock, Ulu Temburong, Brunei, Borneo

    Schismatoglottis roots firmly adhering to the rock, Ulu Temburong, Brunei, Borneo

  • Stauranthera grandiflora in rocky habitat, Tioman, Malaysia

    Stauranthera grandiflora in rocky habitat, Tioman, Malaysia

  • Stauranthera grandiflora population in rocky habitat, Tioman, Malaysia

    Stauranthera grandiflora population in rocky habitat, Tioman, Malaysia

  • Weigela subsessilis, Bukhansan, Corée du Sud

    Weigela subsessilis, Bukhansan, Corée du Sud

  • Cliff covered with Colocasia, Curculigo, Impatiens, Gunung Gedeh - Java

    Cliff covered with Colocasia, Curculigo, Impatiens, Gunung Gedeh - Java

  • Anthurium bonplandii at the top of a table sandstone  pillar, detail, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil

    Anthurium bonplandii at the top of a table sandstone pillar, detail, Presidente Figueiredo, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil
