Thottea tomentosa on a vertical earth bank, leaves and basal axillary inflorescences, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Thottea tomentosa, basal axillary inflorescences, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Thottea tomentosa, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Thottea sp., maybe a new species, on a vertical earth bank, Ulu Temburong, Brunei
Thottea sp., maybe a new species, creeping stems and leaves undrsurface, Ulu Temburong, Brunei
Thottea piperiformis, habitat on a river bank, Templer Park, Selangor, Malaysia
Thottea piperiformis, continuous acrotonic branching along the main plagitropic stem, Templer Park, Selangor, Malaysia
Thottea piperiformis, basal branching, Templer Park, Selangor, Malaysia
Thottea siliquosa, distichous phyllotaxis in orthotropic basal sprouting new shoot, India, Pon Mudi, Western Ghats, India
Thottea ponmudiana, global discoid leaves display through basal repetitive sprouting, Pon Mudi, Western Ghats, India
Thottea ponmudiana, multiple successive basal main stems Ponmudi, India
Kaempferia marginata, leaves appressed to the forest floor and tightly recovering each woody fragment, Tat Ton NP, Chaiyaphum, Thailand
Labisia longistyla, Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Molineria (= Curculigo) capitulata, leaves and long pedunculate inflorescences, Phu Rua NP, Thailand
Molineria (= Curculigo) capitulata with long pedunculate and recurvate inflorescence, Phu Rua NP, Thailand
Molineria (= Curculigo) capitulata, nodding inflorescence, bracts and flowers, Phu Rua NP, Thailand
Molineria (= Curculigo) capitulata inflorescence, bracts and flowers close up, Phu Rua NP, Thailand
Biophytum sensitivum and Elatostema repens, brown form, on earth bank, Pak Chom, Loei, Thailand
Scindapsus scortechinii, Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Scindapsus scortechinii, yellowish spatha, Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Scindapsus scortechinii, spatha close up, Gunung Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Acanthus leucostachyus population on earth bank in forest understory, Xishuangbanna, China
Acanthus leucostachyus in forest understory, individual with yellow centralpatches on the leaves, Xishuangbanna, China
Acanthus leucostachyus in forest understory, spiny leaf margin, Xishuangbanna, China
Ophiorrhiza sp. on earth bank, Xishuangbanna, China
Peliosanthes sinica, large vegetative population totally covering an earth bank, Xishuangbanna, China
Peliosanthes sinica, large vegetative population covering an earth bank just above a small forest stream, Xishuangbanna, China
Peliosanthes sinica, vegetative population on vertical earth bank, Xishuangbanna, China
Peliosanthes sinica, inflorescence with very long bracts, Xishuangbanna, China
Pentaphragma sinense, individual on vertical earth bank, Xishuangbanna, China
Pentaphragma sinense on vertical earth bank, Xishuangbanna, China
Pentaphragma sinense, nodding inflorescence, Xishuangbanna, China
Pentaphragma sinense, nodding inflorescence close up, Xishuangbanna, China
Pentaphragma sinense, flowers, Xishuangbanna, China
Rhaphidophora decursiva, Xishuangbanna, China
Rhaphidophora decursiva, leaves, Xishuangbanna, China
Rhaphidophora decursiva, leaves detail, Xishuangbanna, China
Rhaphidophora decursiva, leaf venation, Xishuangbanna, China
Rhaphidophora hookeri, Xishuangbanna, China
Tacca chantrieri along a forest stream, Xishuangbanna, China