Begonia nigritarum, a form with brown design along the main veins and silvery patches between veins, Estrella Waterfall, Narra, Palawan, mai 2011
Begonia arrogans, two subterminal erect inflorescences on leafless stem, photo taken in 1985 by P. Blanc at La Merced, Junin,750 m asl, Peru
Patrick Blanc and Begonia lutea, population of monophyllous individuals on shaded perhumid vertical sandstone rock, under the carpeting Navia acaulis, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia, Oct. 2016
Begonia lutea, population on stratified sandstone, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, population of monophyllous individuals on shaded perhumid vertical sandstone rock under a carpeting Navia species, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, population on monophyllous individuals, from seedlings to mature flowering ones, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, monophyllous individuals on shaded perhumid vertical sandstone rock, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, flowering monophyllous individuals, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, group of monophyllous flowering individuals, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, leaves, flowers and dry capsular fruits, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, monophyllous individual, one leaf and one inflorescence with male and female flowers, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia lutea, female and male flowers, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombi
Begonia lutea, female flower, maturing fruit and dry capsular fruit, Cano Cristales, Meta, Colombia
Begonia wollastonii as a low epiphyte, turning yellow at the beginning of the dry season, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii as a low epiphyte, annual stem and leaves turning yellow at the beginning of the dry season, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii in habitat, on vertical seeping rocky substrate, mixed with many ferns and surrounded by the banboo Yushania (syn. Arundinaria) alpina, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii in habitat, on vertical seeping rocky substrate, mixed with many ferns, Elatostema and Pilea, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii, fresh capsular fruits, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii in fruit on a seeping rock in mossy forest understory, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii, fruits and dark brown axillary bulbils, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia wollastonii, dark brown axillary bulbils, Harenna forest, 2300 m asl, Bale NP, Ethiopia
Begonia sutherlandii, ferns and Talbotia elegans on humid rock overhanging a forest fast running stream, Monks Cowl, Drakensberg, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii on seeping rock, Monks Cowl, Drakensberg, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii on rock in forest understory, Monks Cowl, Drakensberg, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii on vertical rocky bank just above a fast flowing forest stream, Royal Natal NP, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii seedlings on rocks emerging from swift running forest stream, covered by mosses and Selaginella, Royal Natal NP, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii among mosses on vertical perhumid rocky bank, Royal Natal NP, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii flowering on vertical rocky bank, Royal Natal NP, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii, male and female inflorescences, Royal Natal NP, South Africa
Begonia sutherlandii, inflorescences, Royal Natal NP, South Africa
Begonia oxyloba, population on vertical mossy rock, Choma waterfall, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba individuals on decaying tree log, Amani, 900 m asl, East Usambara Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba among ferns in leaf litter, Amani, 900 m asl, East Usambara Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba, hydathodes excreting water at the periphery of the leaf blades in the morning, Amani, 900 m asl, East Usambara Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba flowering on decaying tree log, Amani, 900 m asl, East Usambara Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba, individual with inflorescences and mature red fleshy fruits, Amani, 900 m asl, East Usambara Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba, red anthocyanic lower leaf blade, Choma waterfall, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba, two inflorescences, the young upper one still protected by bell shaped bracts and the lower one expanding male and female flowers, Choma waterfall, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba, inflorescence with bracts, male and female flowers, Choma waterfall, Uluguru Mts, Tanzania
Begonia oxyloba, ripe fleshy fruits, Amani, 900 m asl, East Usambara Mts, Tanzania