Unless otherwise stated, all the Patrick Blanc’s portraits since 1985 are performed by Pascal Heni and their use must be accompanied by the mention "Copyright Pascal Heni".
  • 2022
  • Jean-Marc Mansvelt, Marc Jeanson and Patrick Blanc at the inauguration of the exhibition Végétal by Chaumet, Beaux Arts, Paris, June 2022

    Jean-Marc Mansvelt, Marc Jeanson and Patrick Blanc at the inauguration of the exhibition Végétal by Chaumet, Beaux Arts, Paris, June 2022

  • Luzia Simons, Marc Jeanson, Patrick Blanc, Chantal Colleu Dumond, Jean Marc Dimanche, Dany Sautot and Pascal Héni at the inauguration of the exhibition Vegetal, by Chaumet, Beaux Arts, Paris, June 2022

    Luzia Simons, Marc Jeanson, Patrick Blanc, Chantal Colleu Dumond, Jean Marc Dimanche, Dany Sautot and Pascal Héni at the inauguration of the exhibition Vegetal, by Chaumet, Beaux Arts, Paris, June 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the rheophytic Ranunculus fluitans in the Loire river, Blois, France, May 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the rheophytic Ranunculus fluitans in the Loire river, Blois, France, May 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing a dense flowering population of Ranunculus fluitans in the Loire river, Blois, France, May 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing a dense flowering population of Ranunculus fluitans in the Loire river, Blois, France, May 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and Inch Lim just after discussion on Malaysian forests, Chaumont sur Loire, May 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Inch Lim just after discussion on Malaysian forests, Chaumont sur Loire, May 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and Kathryn Gustafson, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Kathryn Gustafson, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2022

  • Jean Mus, Chantal Colleu Dumont and Patrick Blanc, Chaumont sur Loire, May 2022

    Jean Mus, Chantal Colleu Dumont and Patrick Blanc, Chaumont sur Loire, May 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and Arnaud Maurières, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Arnaud Maurières, Chaumont sur Loire, France, May 2022

  • Patrick Blanc at home, checking his plant designs on the island rocks for Changi Airport in Singapore, April 2022

    Patrick Blanc at home, checking his plant designs on the island rocks for Changi Airport in Singapore, April 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and Alocasia baginda, Paris, April 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Alocasia baginda, Paris, April 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing Broussonetia papyrifera female inflorescences, Paris, April 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing Broussonetia papyrifera female inflorescences, Paris, April 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and his Rain Forest Chandelier, EmQuartier, Bangkok, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc and his Rain Forest Chandelier, EmQuartier, Bangkok, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc behind the fertile frond of a large form of Hemionitis ludens, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc behind the fertile frond of a large form of Hemionitis ludens, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc walking in a green corridor, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc walking in a green corridor, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the stolons issued from the vertically climbing stem of the climbing Piper cf. griffithii, these stolons acquiring the function of feeding roots, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the stolons issued from the vertically climbing stem of the climbing Piper cf. griffithii, these stolons acquiring the function of feeding roots, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the branched stolons issued from the main stem of the climbing Piper cf. griffithii, these stolons acquiring secondarily the shape and function of stilt roots, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc much intrigued by the branched stolons issued from the main stem of the climbing Piper cf. griffithii, these stolons acquiring secondarily the shape and function of stilt roots, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc under Alocasia sp. nov. B in karst habitat, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc under Alocasia sp. nov. B in karst habitat, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc under the leaves of Alocasia sp. nov. B in karst habitat, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc under the leaves of Alocasia sp. nov. B in karst habitat, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the tuberous Impatiens adenioides emerging from a karst boulder, Ranong, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the tuberous Impatiens adenioides emerging from a karst boulder, Ranong, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the tuberous Impatiens adenioides on a karst boulder, Ranong, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the tuberous Impatiens adenioides on a karst boulder, Ranong, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and Impatiens mirabilis growing on a karst boulder, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Impatiens mirabilis growing on a karst boulder, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing Geophila herbacea carpeting the forest floor, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing Geophila herbacea carpeting the forest floor, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing flowering Argostemma propiquum, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing flowering Argostemma propiquum, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc among the freely hanging corky nutritious roots of Scindapsus maclurei, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc among the freely hanging corky nutritious roots of Scindapsus maclurei, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the twenty meters long freely hanging nutritious roots of Scindapsus maclurei, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the twenty meters long freely hanging nutritious roots of Scindapsus maclurei, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc looking at Euphorbia antiquorum, Khao Sam Roi Yot NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc looking at Euphorbia antiquorum, Khao Sam Roi Yot NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the large twining woody stem issued from a huge tuberous base in Stephania venosa, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the large twining woody stem issued from a huge tuberous base in Stephania venosa, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the inflorescence of Tacca chantrieri, Khao Yai NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the inflorescence of Tacca chantrieri, Khao Yai NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing Vanilla albida flowerin forest understory, Khao Phra Thaeo, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing Vanilla albida flowerin forest understory, Khao Phra Thaeo, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and a small form of Arenga hookeriana, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc and a small form of Arenga hookeriana, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc looking at Platycerium holttumii, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc looking at Platycerium holttumii, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and a small Amorphophallus with leaves and inflorescence at the same time, Chumphon, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc and a small Amorphophallus with leaves and inflorescence at the same time, Chumphon, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc with flowering Rauvolfia serpentina shrubs in forest understory, Khao Yai NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc with flowering Rauvolfia serpentina shrubs in forest understory, Khao Yai NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the woody scalloped stem of the liana Bauhinia scandens, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the woody scalloped stem of the liana Bauhinia scandens, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and a Tupistra species with plicate leaves, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, March 2022.

    Patrick Blanc and a Tupistra species with plicate leaves, Si Phang Nga NP, Thailand, March 2022.

  • Patrick Blanc and Kerriodoxa elegans in forest understory, Khao Phra Thaeo, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Kerriodoxa elegans in forest understory, Khao Phra Thaeo, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc and Kerriodoxa elegans, Khao Phra Thaeo NP, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc and Kerriodoxa elegans, Khao Phra Thaeo NP, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing Vanilla albida flowering in forest understory, Khao Phra Thaeo, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing Vanilla albida flowering in forest understory, Khao Phra Thaeo, Phuket, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing a blooming Codonoboea platypus, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing a blooming Codonoboea platypus, Phang Nga, Thailand, March 2022

  • Patrick Blanc observing the jewel design on the leaves of an exceptional form of Epithema saxatile, Chumphon, Thailand, March 2022

    Patrick Blanc observing the jewel design on the leaves of an exceptional form of Epithema saxatile, Chumphon, Thailand, March 2022
