Cercestis mirabilis, downwards growing feeding roots with short spiny emergences, adhering to the host trunk, Campo, Cameroon
Cercestis mirabilis, feeding roots with short spiny emergences, adhering to the host trunk, Campo, Cameroon
Cercestis mirabilis, flagelliform shoots reaching the forest floor and ensuring vegetative propagation, Campo, Cameroun
Cercestis sp. nov. in habitat, climbing along tree trunk in disturbed primary forest, Campo, Cameroun
Cercestis sp. nov. down from its host tree trunk in disturbed primary forest, Campo, Cameroun
Cercestis sp. nov., reddish glands along the protruding nerves of the lower surface of the leaf blade, Campo, Cameroun
Culcasia striolata in forest understory habitat, Kribi, Cameroun
Culcasia panduriformis, Campo, Cameroun
Culcasia panduriformis, young maturing leaf, Campo, Cameroun
Stylochaeton zenkeri population in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Stylochaeton zenkeri in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Stylochaeton zenkeri, flowering individual in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Stylochaeton zenkeri, inflorescence in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Stylochaeton zenkeri, leaf and inflorescence in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Scadoxus cinnabarinus in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Dorstenia picta, plain green long leaf form covered by lichens, Kribi, Cameroun
Anchomanes difformis at forest margin, Kribi, Cameroun
Anchomanes difformis, leaf blade and spiny petiole, Kribi, Cameroun
Rhaphidophora africana climbing along a tree trunk, Kribi, Cameroun
Biophytum zenkeri, dense population of cryptic individuals with brown leaves in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Biophytum zenkeri on earth slope in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Biophytum zenkeri on earth slope, Kribi, Cameroun
Biophytum zenkeri, brown leaved form in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Cyanastrum cordifolium among leaf litter on forest floor, Kribi, Cameroun
Cyanastrum cordifolium in its forest understory habitat, Campo, Cameroun
Cyanastrum cordifolium with deeply impressed nerves in its forest understory habitat, Campo, Cameroun
Dracaena aubryana in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Dracaena aubryana with leaves covered by epiphylls in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Dracaena tholloniana with outstanding bright silver and dark green stripes, Ebodje, Campo, Cameroon
Dracaena tholloniana with bright silver and dark green stripes, Ebodje, Campo, Cameroon
Dracaena tholloniana with outstanding bright silver stripes, Ebodje, Campo, Cameroon
Dracaena cf. bicolor in forest understory, Kribi, Cameroun
Dracaena cf. bicolor, plicate leaf due to prominent nerves, Kribi, Cameroun
Dracaena cf. bicolor, somewhat plicate leaf due to prominent nerves, Kribi, Cameroun
Dracaena phrynioides, densely spotted individual, Campo, Cameroun
Dracaena phrynioides, slightly spotted individual, Campo, Cameroun
Dracaena phrynioides, spotted individual, Campo, Cameroun
Dracaena congoensis, thin stemmed monocaulous individuals in forest understory, Campo, Cameroun
Dracaena congoensis, thin stemmed monocaulous individuals with apical litter trapping congested leaves in forest understory, Campo, Cameroun
Dracaena cf. goldieana, branched mature individual with long petioles and marbled leaves, Ebodje, Campo, Cameroon