Patrick Blanc among the cascading Baeckea linifolia beside a waterfall, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia, Jan 2014
Patrick Blanc looking at the cascading Baeckea linifolia beside a waterfall, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia, Jan 2014
Baeckea linifolia, flowering drooping branches on a seeping cliff, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia, weeping flowering branches, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia population hanging vertically on a seeping cliff, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia population flowering on a vertical seeping cliff, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia, flowers close-up, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia hanging vertically from a seeping cliff ledge, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia producing a ligotuber fixed by the roots at a seeping cliff ledge, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia growing vertically in the spay of a waterfall, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Baeckea linifolia installed in horizontal cracks of a vertical seeping cliff, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Xyris ustulata clump hanging from a vertical wet cliff ledge, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Xyris ustulata hanging from a vertical cliff ledge, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Wentworth falls, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Pherosphaera (syn. Microstrobos) fitzgeraldii population,under permanently dripping rocks, Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains, Australia
Pherosphaera (syn. Microstrobos) fitzgeraldii population on permanently seeping and dripping cliff, Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains, Australia
Pherosphaera (syn. Microstrobos) fitzgeraldii in its dripping cliff habitat, Wentworth falls, NSW, Australia
Pherosphaera (syn. Microstrobos) fitzgeraldii on permanently seeping and dripping cliff, Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Waterfall in forest, Mount Field, Tasmania
Waterfall in forest, Queenstown, Tasmania
A liverwort appressed to the rocks in a waterfall, Mount Wellington, Tasmania
Ferns and mosses in the spray of waterfall, Mount Field, Tasmania
Ferns covering rocks under a waterfall, Queenstown, Tasmania
Rock covered with different fern species under a waterfall, Queenstown, Tasmania
Waterfall base, Bourke's Luck Potholes, Blyde River Canyon, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Mosses, algae and carbonate minerals creating small travertine mushroomm structures in a forest cascade, Blyde River Canyon, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Mosses, algae and minerals creating small travertine mushroomm structures in a forest cascade, Blyde River Canyon, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Mosses in a travertine forest cascade, Blyde River Canyon, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Pogonatherum paniceum population on dripping cliff, Magdapio, Luzon
Schismatoglottis sp. in a waterfall, Magdapio, Luzon
Schismatoglottis sp. population on dripping rock, Magdapio gorge, Luzon
Schismatoglottis sp., detail, in a waterfall, Magdapio, Luzon
Spathiphyllum commutatum on dripping cliff, Magadapio, Luzon
Spathiphyllum commutatum on dripping cliff, inflorescence detail, Magadapio, Luzon
Spathiphyllum commutatum and Elatostema sp. on dripping cliff, Magdapio, Luzon
Spathiphyllum sp. as a rheophyte in a waterfall, adult plants and numerous seedlings on the vertical rock surface,Tijuca NP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Begonia sp., waterfall, central cordillera, Costa Rica
Phyllanthus rheophyticus, new species, Hainan endemic, described in 2008, Hainan
Waterfall in South East Shikoku, Japan
Rocks covered with herbaceous plants in the spray of a waterfall, Shikoku, Japan